Why Choose a Leasing Company Over a Private Dealer

By: Zeemac Fleet Leasing Services   |   26 Nov 2021
Man writing on paper with a pen

We appreciate that you have plenty of options available when it comes to making decisions about your business. In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the benefits of working with a fleet management company over a private dealership when it comes to leasing your commercial fleet vehicles.

Let’s start at the beginning: what’s the difference between a leasing company and a private dealer? A leasing company, like Zeemac, is specialized in working with businesses and individuals who need flexible and affordable options when it comes to vehicle selection, financing terms, warranties, fleet management services, and more. A private dealership works more traditionally, pairing each customer with a vehicle that’s available on the lot, and with a leasing package that is tied to that particular dealership.

So what are the benefits of working with a fleet leasing company? Let’s take a look.

  1. Leasing Flexibility

One of the top reasons to choose a fleet management service over a private dealer is that it affords you significantly greater leasing flexibility. You’re not tied to mileage limits, lack of options if your circumstances change, paying out your lease, or so many other hidden restrictions that are typically involved in a private dealer lease.

With a leasing company, you can take advantage of benefits like lower term rates, renegotiating your lease midterm, not being tied to mileage restrictions, and walking away from your lease early without penalty.

  1. More Vehicle Options

Have you ever browsed a dealership and felt less than excited about the selection? When you work with a fleet leasing service, you unlock access to a huge network of dealers that can secure just about any vehicle you’re interested in. Whether you need a specific make or model, are shopping on a budget, or need multiples of the same truck, van, or car, a leasing company will be able to make it happen.


  1. You’ll Save Time and Money

One major drawback of working with a private dealership for your fleet needs is that they typically can’t manage bulk leasing deals. What does that mean? You’ll need to sign a lease, manage paperwork, payments, negotiations, warranties, and so much more for each individual vehicle. You may even need to work with different dealerships and lenders in order to secure all of the vehicles you need. Managing a business is already tough enough without the added stress of managing each vehicle in your fleet as a separate lease.

Working with a fleet management company allows for a bundled lease, where all of your vehicles will be included under a single monthly invoice, helping you reconcile your books and pay your invoices with ease. There are also often financial benefits with a bulk lease, and your Fleet Management Professional will source the best deal possible on your behalf.

  1. Enjoy More Fleet Customization Options

Whatever industry you’re in, most business owners need at least some type of fleet upfitting and customization options. Bins, hydraulics, racks, bed covers, decals, telematics, and so much more - a fleet management company will help you plan and organize a full-fleet customization project, which is not possible with a private dealership.

  1. Gain Access to Fleet Management Services

Many business owners need commercial fleet services that go beyond just sourcing your trucks and vans. At Zeemac, we specialize in helping our clients with additional fleet management tools, like telematics, ongoing leasing support, trade-ins, maintenance and repair services, and more.

Trustworthy Support for Your Business

Get the support you need (and deserve!) by working with a professional commercial fleet leasing company. There are far more benefits for business owners to working with a team that has the expertise and resources to provide a seamless and efficient experience. If you need help with your commercial fleet leasing needs, or simply want to explore your options, please don’t hesitate to contact us here at Zeemac Fleet Leasing in Burnaby, BC.


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(604) 298-8789